They are ectoparasitic arachnids (live on the exterior of the host body) of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. They feed on blood and can cause itching and transmit viruses, bacteria, protozoa, being disease vectors. Some species may go for long periods without food, just waiting for the prey, while others remain attached most of the time feeding on the prey's blood.
The tick life cycle comprises the stages of egg, larva, nymph and adult. Temperature, humidity and light intensity interfere with the development of these arachnids.
Ticks inhabit almost every region on the planet.
Many species of ticks prefer lawns, where they can hide and wait for the best opportunity to find prey. However, other ticks, such as dog ticks can be found anywhere where animals play and rest, including lawns, kennels, fields and surroundings of woods.
Ticks transmit various diseases, including the Rocky Mountain spotted fever (tick fever).