In urban areas, there is a prevalence of book moths belonging to the Thysanura order and clothes moths.
In rural areas, there are many species of moths that cause huge losses to agriculture.
Book moths are very common in homes. They have long tail appendices and feed on substances containing proteins, starch and sugar, they may eat cereals, wet flour, paper containing glue, etc. Their development takes place without metamorphosis, so the young resemble the adults. The development period depends on climatic conditions, but usually happens in about a year.
Unlike other moths, the clothes moths are not attracted to light. They undergo complete metamorphosis, going through the stages of egg, larva, pupa and adult. The eggs are deposited over fabrics where they remain stuck. Larvae have a diamond-shaped cocoon and can be found on the surfaces of walls, furniture, clothes, cabinets, etc. It is the larvae that feed on and destroy cloths. The adults are winged, but they do not fly a lot.
They are usually found in dark places such as closets and drawers. Moisture has great influence on the development of these insects, the ideal environment is quite hot, humid, and dark. They like natural fibers and feed on fabrics like silk, wool, cashmere, angora and skin.
Moths do not pose a risk to human health.