Fleas do not have wings, but they have strong legs, especially the rear pair, which provides them with quick movements and big jumps. The adult individual is hematophagous, feeding on the blood of birds or mammals such as dogs and cats. Fleas develop through the stages of egg, larva, pupa and adult.
Insecticides act on the larvae and adults, since the eggs and pupae are practically impermeable, hence the need of using a growth regulator.
As most of the flea life cycle occurs away from their hosts, it is necessary to also take care of the environment in which they live. In other words, it is not enough to eliminate the fleas on the animal, it is also important to kill all their developmental forms within the home environment.
Fleas, in addition to causing much discomfort to humans and other animals also transmit various serious diseases, such as, severe dermatitis and other allergic skin reactions. In the past, they were responsible for a series of epidemics, like the Great Plague of London, called bubonic plague in 1665, which killed 1/5 of the population.