Jimo Ácaros e Pulgas Aerossol

Jimo Ácaros e Pulgas Aerossol

Jimo Ácaros e Pulgas Aerossol

  • can be applied to pillows and blankets
    can be applied to pillows and blankets
  • eliminates dust mites and ticks
    eliminates dust mites and ticks
  • eliminates fleas and eggs
    eliminates fleas and eggs
  • leaves no smell
    leaves no smell

Mites: Apply the product in highly infested areas such as carpets, fabric sofas, curtains, cracks of floors, etc. After the application of JIMO ÁCAROS & PULGAS mites will die and let go of the fibers, thus being easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Fleas and Ticks: Apply the product on infested places such as carpets, corners, floors and crevices, cat or dog beds, kennels and catteries, blankets and houses where animals sleep, sofas, under and behind furniture, etc.

JIMO ÁCAROS & PULGAS is a product specially developed to combat and control new infestations of mites, fleas and ticks. The regular use of JIMO ÁCAROS & PULGAS controls the increasing of mites in the environment, which are invisible to the naked eye and are the main cause asthma, rhinitis and other allergies. JIMO ÁCAROS & PULGAS effectively fights adult fleas and ticks, and the resistant forms of fleas (eggs, larvae and nymphs).

300 ml can

Notes: Prior to application, remove people and pets from the room and cover aquariums. For fabrics, perform a test in an inconspicuous area to check for color fixation, as well as the compatibility with plastics, wood finishes, leather, delicate fabrics or furniture. Avoid application on metal surfaces

SDS (Safety Data Sheet)


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Jimo Ácaros e Pulgas Aerossol + Informações técnicas sobre ácaros, pulgas e carrapatos.